Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com Crónicas de una hoguera: Waiting for the sun

Crónicas de una hoguera

martes, junio 10, 2008

Waiting for the sun

I´m waiting for the sun, but it is alone. I look for any moon, but it is hidden. I´m walking in the sand, lost between shadows of the darkness. The ship has sunk beyond the island of the freedom, and thousands of chunks of wood float towards the hangging tree, died in the hill of the green and smiling laughs.

The circle of fire has gone out, the dance of the shaman is on the verge of breaking the music, and the children do not joke of a couple embraced in the park. Already there is no madness in the world, everything has become gray.


  • definitivamente deberíamos de volver a la ciudad del viento, y esperar el sol...

    con la maleta hecha y el coche arrancado :) clem

    By Anonymous Anónimo, at 4:30 p. m.  

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